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VRC Scene Descriptor

Describes your VRChat world. Required for every Unity scene you'd like to use as a VRChat world.

SpawnsAn array of transforms used as reference for spawn points of the world.
Spawn OrderOrder in which spawn locations should be used, options include:
- First: Always use the first spawn
- Sequential: In the order that spawns are listed
- Random: Spawns users randomly
- Demo: The spawn point represents the center of your room scale meaning, for example, if you're a meter away from the center of your room scale, you spawn a meter away from the spawn.
Spawn OrientationOrientation the user will be spawned in at, options include:
- Default: The VRChat Default spawn setting (Currently Align Player With Spawn Point)
- Align Player With Spawn Point: Aligns player with the rotation of the spawn transform
- Align Room With Spawn Point: Aligns players' room scale to be centered on the spawn point
Reference CameraSettings from this camera are applied to users in the room. Can be an object in the scene or prefab.
Respawn Height -YHeight at which players respawn and pickups are respawned or destroyed.
Object Behaviour At RespawnWhat should pickups do when they fall out of the world, options include:
- Destroy: Delete the pickup
- Respawn: Respawn the pickup to the location it started at
Forbid Free ModificationIf true, non-sync'd objects can't be manipulated by non-master.
Forbid User PortalsPrevent users from opening portals from the world menu.
User Custom Voice Falloff RangeEnable the next couple options which control the voice falloff range.
Voice Falloff NearThe distance where users' voices start reducing in volume.
Voice Falloff FarThe distance where users' voices become inaudible.
Unity VersionUnity version being used; you should never need to touch this.
Dynamic PrefabsAn array of prefabs that can be dynamically spawned at runtime. Any prefab that isn't referenced in the scene but needs to be spawned should be listed here.
Dynamic MaterialsAn array of materials that can be dynamically changed at runtime. Any material that isn't referenced in the scene but needs to be set to an object should be listed here.
Interact PassthroughA mask defining which User Layers should allow interactions to pass through. See the Layers page for more info.